Columns and Rows

The two most important structs for laying out widgets are Column and Row.

Both lay out their children in one direction. The column organizes the widgets vertically and the row horizontally.

Column and Row Example

By default, they align the items in the top left corner of their space.

A convenient way to create columns and rows is with the column! and row! macros.

We saw one of them in the Minimal Application - Counter.

use iced::{widget, Sandbox};

struct Counter {
    // This will be our state of the counter app
    // a.k.a the current count value
    count: i32,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum Message {
    // Emitted when the increment ("+") button is pressed
    // Emitted when decrement ("-") button is pressed

// Implement Sandbox for our Counter
impl Sandbox for Counter {

    // alias our Message enum with the
    // Sandbox's Message type
    type Message = Message;

    fn new() -> Self {
        // initialize the counter struct
        // with count value as 0.
        Self { count: 0 }

    fn title(&self) -> String {
        //define the title for our app
        String::from("Counter App")

    fn update(&mut self, message: Self::Message) {
        // handle emitted messages
        match message {
            Message::IncreaseCounter => self.count += 1,
            Message::DecreaseCounter => self.count -= 1,

    fn view(&self) -> iced::Element<'_, Self::Message> {
        // create the View Logic (UI)
        let rw = widget::row![

fn main() -> Result<(), iced::Error> {
    // run the app from main function

There, we created a Column with three children inside. One text and two buttons. The syntax for rows is the same.

You can put any Element inside a Column or Row.


Of course, we can change the horizontal alignment for columns and the vertical alignment for rows.

Column and Row Example

This is how they would align in the center.

In code, if you want to set the Alignment you can call the align_items method on your column/row. It will return itself with the new alignment.

let some_column = iced::widget::column![
    iced::widget::text("Hello World!"),
    iced::widget::text("Another Hello World!")


Since you can not set a margin in iced and often want to have a spacing between elements.

Columns and rows have the spacing method to set the spacing.

Here is an example of how to use spacing on a column:

let some_column = iced::widget::column![
    iced::widget::text("Hello World!"),
    iced::widget::text("Another Hello World!")

Spacing Image