A minimal Application - Counter

Our goal is to create a simple counter where we have a number displayed that we can increase or decrease with two buttons.

Creating a new Project

First of all, make sure Rust is installed in your system. If not head over to Rust Installation Page.

After installing rust, create a new binary crate by executing,

$ cargo new counter-app-iced
$ cd counter-app-iced

Add Iced crate by executing,

$ cargo add iced

Now, build the app using

$ cargo run

On successful build, you can see the text Hello World is printed on console. Now we are ready to create our beautiful GUIs using Iced.

1. Defining the State

For the state, we define a struct. For the counter, we need to store the current value of the counter.

use iced::{widget, Sandbox};

struct Counter {
    // This will be our state of the counter app
    // a.k.a the current count value
    count: i32,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum Message {
    // Emitted when the increment ("+") button is pressed
    // Emitted when decrement ("-") button is pressed

// Implement Sandbox for our Counter
impl Sandbox for Counter {

    // alias our Message enum with the
    // Sandbox's Message type
    type Message = Message;

    fn new() -> Self {
        // initialize the counter struct
        // with count value as 0.
        Self { count: 0 }

    fn title(&self) -> String {
        //define the title for our app
        String::from("Counter App")

    fn update(&mut self, message: Self::Message) {
        // handle emitted messages
        match message {
            Message::IncreaseCounter => self.count += 1,
            Message::DecreaseCounter => self.count -= 1,

    fn view(&self) -> iced::Element<'_, Self::Message> {
        // create the View Logic (UI)
        let rw = widget::row![

fn main() -> Result<(), iced::Error> {
    // run the app from main function

2. Defining the Message

For our counter, we have two major events that matter to us. Increasing and decreasing the counter.

The message is represented as an enum with two variants, IncrementCounter and DecrementCounter.

use iced::{widget, Sandbox};

struct Counter {
    // This will be our state of the counter app
    // a.k.a the current count value
    count: i32,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum Message {
    // Emitted when the increment ("+") button is pressed
    // Emitted when decrement ("-") button is pressed

// Implement Sandbox for our Counter
impl Sandbox for Counter {

    // alias our Message enum with the
    // Sandbox's Message type
    type Message = Message;

    fn new() -> Self {
        // initialize the counter struct
        // with count value as 0.
        Self { count: 0 }

    fn title(&self) -> String {
        //define the title for our app
        String::from("Counter App")

    fn update(&mut self, message: Self::Message) {
        // handle emitted messages
        match message {
            Message::IncreaseCounter => self.count += 1,
            Message::DecreaseCounter => self.count -= 1,

    fn view(&self) -> iced::Element<'_, Self::Message> {
        // create the View Logic (UI)
        let rw = widget::row![

fn main() -> Result<(), iced::Error> {
    // run the app from main function

3. Implementing the Sandbox for Counter

To create a window, we implement the Sandbox trait for our Counter. There are two different windowing implementations. One is Sandbox and the other is Application. The difference between both is that Sandbox trait provides a much simpler interface to work with if you are just getting started.

It's not harder to switch your app from Sandbox to Application. We will use the Sandbox trait throughout this section.

The Sandbox trait implments the following,

pub trait Sandbox {
    type Message: Debug + Send;

    // Required methods
    fn new() -> Self;
    fn title(&self) -> String;
    fn update(&mut self, message: Self::Message);
    fn view(&self) -> Element<'_, Self::Message>;

    // Provided methods
    fn theme(&self) -> Theme { ... }
    fn style(&self) -> Application { ... }
    fn scale_factor(&self) -> f64 { ... }
    fn run(settings: Settings<()>) -> Result<(), Error>
       where Self: 'static + Sized { ... }


The Sandbox trait expects us to define our own Message type. So we should map our Message enum as a type alias for Message in the Sandbox implementation.

use iced::{widget, Sandbox};

struct Counter {
    // This will be our state of the counter app
    // a.k.a the current count value
    count: i32,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum Message {
    // Emitted when the increment ("+") button is pressed
    // Emitted when decrement ("-") button is pressed

// Implement Sandbox for our Counter
impl Sandbox for Counter {

    // alias our Message enum with the
    // Sandbox's Message type
    type Message = Message;

    fn new() -> Self {
        // initialize the counter struct
        // with count value as 0.
        Self { count: 0 }

    fn title(&self) -> String {
        //define the title for our app
        String::from("Counter App")

    fn update(&mut self, message: Self::Message) {
        // handle emitted messages
        match message {
            Message::IncreaseCounter => self.count += 1,
            Message::DecreaseCounter => self.count -= 1,

    fn view(&self) -> iced::Element<'_, Self::Message> {
        // create the View Logic (UI)
        let rw = widget::row![

fn main() -> Result<(), iced::Error> {
    // run the app from main function

Initial state and Title

Next, we need to set out initial value of our state, which is the count value. The new() function helps us to do exactly that. The state of the Counter is returned with it's initial count value as 0.

use iced::{widget, Sandbox};

struct Counter {
    // This will be our state of the counter app
    // a.k.a the current count value
    count: i32,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum Message {
    // Emitted when the increment ("+") button is pressed
    // Emitted when decrement ("-") button is pressed

// Implement Sandbox for our Counter
impl Sandbox for Counter {

    // alias our Message enum with the
    // Sandbox's Message type
    type Message = Message;

    fn new() -> Self {
        // initialize the counter struct
        // with count value as 0.
        Self { count: 0 }

    fn title(&self) -> String {
        //define the title for our app
        String::from("Counter App")

    fn update(&mut self, message: Self::Message) {
        // handle emitted messages
        match message {
            Message::IncreaseCounter => self.count += 1,
            Message::DecreaseCounter => self.count -= 1,

    fn view(&self) -> iced::Element<'_, Self::Message> {
        // create the View Logic (UI)
        let rw = widget::row![

fn main() -> Result<(), iced::Error> {
    // run the app from main function

In, the title() function, we set the title of the app. This will be the title of the current instance of the Application.

use iced::{widget, Sandbox};

struct Counter {
    // This will be our state of the counter app
    // a.k.a the current count value
    count: i32,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum Message {
    // Emitted when the increment ("+") button is pressed
    // Emitted when decrement ("-") button is pressed

// Implement Sandbox for our Counter
impl Sandbox for Counter {

    // alias our Message enum with the
    // Sandbox's Message type
    type Message = Message;

    fn new() -> Self {
        // initialize the counter struct
        // with count value as 0.
        Self { count: 0 }

    fn title(&self) -> String {
        //define the title for our app
        String::from("Counter App")

    fn update(&mut self, message: Self::Message) {
        // handle emitted messages
        match message {
            Message::IncreaseCounter => self.count += 1,
            Message::DecreaseCounter => self.count -= 1,

    fn view(&self) -> iced::Element<'_, Self::Message> {
        // create the View Logic (UI)
        let rw = widget::row![

fn main() -> Result<(), iced::Error> {
    // run the app from main function

Update logic

Now we have to handle the messages that are emitted by the View Logic. The update() function does exactly that. The update() function get called every time when the View Logic emits a message. We use the rust's powerful match expression to handle messages. Here we use the match expression to increase the count when IncrementCount is emitted and decrease the count when DecrementCount is emitted.

use iced::{widget, Sandbox};

struct Counter {
    // This will be our state of the counter app
    // a.k.a the current count value
    count: i32,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum Message {
    // Emitted when the increment ("+") button is pressed
    // Emitted when decrement ("-") button is pressed

// Implement Sandbox for our Counter
impl Sandbox for Counter {

    // alias our Message enum with the
    // Sandbox's Message type
    type Message = Message;

    fn new() -> Self {
        // initialize the counter struct
        // with count value as 0.
        Self { count: 0 }

    fn title(&self) -> String {
        //define the title for our app
        String::from("Counter App")

    fn update(&mut self, message: Self::Message) {
        // handle emitted messages
        match message {
            Message::IncreaseCounter => self.count += 1,
            Message::DecreaseCounter => self.count -= 1,

    fn view(&self) -> iced::Element<'_, Self::Message> {
        // create the View Logic (UI)
        let rw = widget::row![

fn main() -> Result<(), iced::Error> {
    // run the app from main function

Tip: Use count.saturating_add(1) or count.saturating_sub(1) for more error proof and optimized code.

View logic

The only thing left is to define our View (a.k.a UI). Define your View Logic in the view() function. In iced, all UI components are called widgets. For a counter, we need two button widgets (one for incrementing and another for decrementing) and a text widget. They need to be aligned one after another in a horizontal manner. So, we use row widget macro to align our widgets in a horizontal manner.

use iced::{widget, Sandbox};

struct Counter {
    // This will be our state of the counter app
    // a.k.a the current count value
    count: i32,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum Message {
    // Emitted when the increment ("+") button is pressed
    // Emitted when decrement ("-") button is pressed

// Implement Sandbox for our Counter
impl Sandbox for Counter {

    // alias our Message enum with the
    // Sandbox's Message type
    type Message = Message;

    fn new() -> Self {
        // initialize the counter struct
        // with count value as 0.
        Self { count: 0 }

    fn title(&self) -> String {
        //define the title for our app
        String::from("Counter App")

    fn update(&mut self, message: Self::Message) {
        // handle emitted messages
        match message {
            Message::IncreaseCounter => self.count += 1,
            Message::DecreaseCounter => self.count -= 1,

    fn view(&self) -> iced::Element<'_, Self::Message> {
        // create the View Logic (UI)
        let rw = widget::row![

fn main() -> Result<(), iced::Error> {
    // run the app from main function

In the above code, we can see that the button's on_press function accepts the message type to be emitted.

Note: By default, the view() function returns the type Element<'_, Self::Message>. So, we use .into() for conversion purpose.

That's pretty much everything for a simple counter app. Now, let's run it.

4. Running the Counter

Now we can run our simple Counter App by calling Counter::run() in the main() function. The run() method is a default implementation of the Sandbox trait.

use iced::{widget, Sandbox};

struct Counter {
    // This will be our state of the counter app
    // a.k.a the current count value
    count: i32,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum Message {
    // Emitted when the increment ("+") button is pressed
    // Emitted when decrement ("-") button is pressed

// Implement Sandbox for our Counter
impl Sandbox for Counter {

    // alias our Message enum with the
    // Sandbox's Message type
    type Message = Message;

    fn new() -> Self {
        // initialize the counter struct
        // with count value as 0.
        Self { count: 0 }

    fn title(&self) -> String {
        //define the title for our app
        String::from("Counter App")

    fn update(&mut self, message: Self::Message) {
        // handle emitted messages
        match message {
            Message::IncreaseCounter => self.count += 1,
            Message::DecreaseCounter => self.count -= 1,

    fn view(&self) -> iced::Element<'_, Self::Message> {
        // create the View Logic (UI)
        let rw = widget::row![

fn main() -> Result<(), iced::Error> {
    // run the app from main function

Note: The main function should have a return type of Result<(), iced::Error>.

5. Full Code

Now that we completed our simple counter application, the complete code will look like this.

use iced::{widget, Sandbox};

struct Counter {
    // This will be our state of the counter app
    // a.k.a the current count value
    count: i32,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum Message {
    // Emitted when the increment ("+") button is pressed
    // Emitted when decrement ("-") button is pressed

// Implement Sandbox for our Counter
impl Sandbox for Counter {

    // alias our Message enum with the
    // Sandbox's Message type
    type Message = Message;

    fn new() -> Self {
        // initialize the counter struct
        // with count value as 0.
        Self { count: 0 }

    fn title(&self) -> String {
        //define the title for our app
        String::from("Counter App")

    fn update(&mut self, message: Self::Message) {
        // handle emitted messages
        match message {
            Message::IncreaseCounter => self.count += 1,
            Message::DecreaseCounter => self.count -= 1,

    fn view(&self) -> iced::Element<'_, Self::Message> {
        // create the View Logic (UI)
        let rw = widget::row![

fn main() -> Result<(), iced::Error> {
    // run the app from main function


In the next section, you will see about common layouting techniques that iced offers.