
Length is used to fill space in a specific dimension. The Length enum also has capablities of being responsive.

The Length enum has the following variants:

  • Length::Fill
  • Length::FillPortion(u16)
  • Length::Shrink
  • Length::Fixed(f32)

1. Length::Fill enum

Length::Fill is used to set a widget's width or height to fill the viewport. For example, setting a container's width property to Length::Fill will set the container's width to fill the available sapce.

let ui = container(...)

This will result in the following,

2. Length::FillPortion(u16) enum

Length::FillPortion(u16) is used to set width or height to a collection of widgets in a specified ratio. This enum is mostly used in collection widgets such as row or column.

Let’s say we have two elements: one with FillPortion(3) and one with FillPortion(2). The first will get 2 portions of the available space, while the second one would get 3. So basically, the two elements will get it's portions in the ratio of 3:2.

let col = column![

This will result in the following,


Length::Shrink is used to set the minimum length that an element needs to be properly displayed. This length will be independent from anything else. For example, a container will take the length of it's child element.


Length::Fixed(f32) is used to set a fixed length. This length will be independent from anything else.
